About Us

Campus Life Services (Plassey Campus Centre)


Campus Life Services (Plassey Campus Centre)  was established by the University of Limerick in 1985 to develop facilities and services which support the development of a vibrant campus community - namely residences, restaurants, cafe-bars and retail services. To maintain the company's self-funding ethos, all facilities and services are marketed for use by conferences and events during the summer vacation to generate additional income for re-investment in infrastructure and future development.

Facilities and Services include:

  • Eight residential villages providing 2,800 rooms
  • A range of retail services managed in partnership with the Students' Union and the university
  • Management of all catering agreements and licenses on campus
  • Conference and event management

Student Residences

Campus Life Services aims to support students in residence to enjoy the best student living experience by providing high quality management and maintenance of their accommodation and delivering a programme of activities to help residents meet other students and get the best out of campus life.  

All on campus village residences are within a 12-minute walk from the main university buildings.  Each village complements the high quality academic, sporting and recreational facilities already available on campus.

University of Limerick Conference and Sports Campus

The company actively promotes the campus for conferences and events during the summer vacation which maximises  the use of all campus facilities and ensures retail and restaurant services are maintained for the community during the summer period. This provides additional employment for up to 50 students in conference activity throughout the summer season.

Summer events include academic and charity conference meetings, cultural summer schools, music festivals, language camps and many different types of sports events. We trade under the brand name 'University of Limerick Conference and Sports Campus' to promote the venue as a conference and events destination.

Board of Directors

Gerry Boland Chair and Director
Ciara Jo Hanlon Director
Sandra Joyce Director
Robert Reidy Secretary


Registered Address

Plassey Trust Limited trading as Campus Life Services

Plassey House

 University of Limerick



 Tel: +353 61 202433

 Fax: +353 61 202188

 Email: cls@ul.ie

Website: www.ul.ie/campuslife

Registered in Ireland No. 121026





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