Prospective Students

Accommodation for First Year Students


Kilmurry Bedroom


Making the best decision for your university student living experience
Now that you have chosen to study in Ireland's most vibrant campus, you need to select the best place to live. This is an exciting time in your life and we understand that finding the right place to live during your studies is extremely important to you. Residences at UL will be your home from home for the next few years - a place to live, eat, sleep and inevitably where your college social life will evolve.
Which Village is for you?
With 2,700 rooms across six residential villages at University of Limerick, there is something to suit everyone. Each village has a distinctive character with a wide range of facilities suitable for first year students. Our six villages vary in price too; this means that there is accommodation on campus to suit all budgets.
If you want to live as part of a vibrant student community, minutes’ walk from lecture theatres, then campus accommodation at University of Limerick is a must for you.
What you can expect while living in residence
When you live in any one of our six residential villages, you can expect:
Professional management service whose primary focus is to deliver the best student living experience
Support during your journey at UL
Excellent facilities across six residential villages
Rental fees with no additional surprises. All bills are included in your rent
Campus Life Programme run each term which includes sporting, cultural and social events
Free membership to UL Sports Arena
How early can I apply for accommodation?
Prospective first year students planning to study at University of Limerick can apply online from February (pre September of year of study). When you apply online, you will be required to pay a non-refundable booking fee. We do not guarantee that we will be able to offer all applicants a room on campus. Please check the website home page for more updates.
Can I apply for a room in a particular village?
When applying you can select villages in order of preference. Due to the high level of applications we cannot guarantee that you will get your 1st preference but we endeavour to allocate students based on preferences. This process is subject to change.
How do I accept or reject my room offer?
If you are successful in securing a room during the booking process you will receive a room offer by email in August. The email will include instructions on how to accept or reject the room offer.
Irish speaking students
Please click here to view our accommodation brochure as Gaeilge. Should you wish to live in a house with other native Irish speakers please select this request as you make you application online at We will do our best to allocate native Irish speakers together if they so request.
If you wish to contact a member of our team please email 
Please note we do not have specific accommodation allocated for Irish speaking students, this is solely based on applications and requests.
Who will I live with?
At Campus Life Services, we have an allocation policy which we believe encourages vibrant communities. Our residents can expect to live with students in the same year. You will find that students may be completing different courses to you which creates diversity. Our houses are usually mixed sex with equal balance where possible.
Should you have more questions please contact 


Making the best decision for your university student living experience

Now that you have chosen to study in Ireland's most vibrant campus, you need to select the best place to live. This is an exciting time in your life and we understand that finding the right place to live during your studies is extremely important to you. Residences at UL will be your home from home for the next few years - a place to live, eat, sleep and inevitably where your college social life will evolve.


Lottery Applications for 2024/25


The lottery for New Incoming First Years is now closed. We are no longer accepting applications. 


The lottery was open from the 23rd of February until 5pm on the 31st of March 2024. 


All lottery applicants will receive their outcome on or before 10th April 2024. 


Students who do not register for the lottery are strongly urged to seek off campus accommodation. 

Applications for new incoming first years are NOT on a first come first serve basis.


Successful Lottery Applicants

Those successful in the accommodation lottery will be sent communication of what will happen next:

  • Online room offers will be issued following the CAO Round One results
  • Students will have a limited time frame to accept their room offers
  • Room offers not accepted by the specified date will be cancelled
  • The deposit will be due within 1 day of accepting a room offer and is non-refundable in the event of cancellation
  • Accepted room offers with unpaid deposits will be cancelled
  • The first month of rental fees will be due before the check in date 
  • Full Rental Fee information can be found here 


Unsuccessful Lottery Applicants

  • Those who are unsuccessful in the lottery, will be placed on our waitlist nad strongly advised to secure alternative accommodation
  • Should we receive cancellations after CAO results we will offer places to applicants on our  waiting list, based on a lottery. 
  • We will continue to offer rooms as we receive cancellations throughout the academic year 
  • The waitlist will be in effect until the end of the academic year
  • We will only be in contact with students if we have a room to offer
  • Please note this is not a guarantee that something will become available 

Why might my application be unsuccessful?

Priority will be given to lottery applicants who live over 60km from University of Limerick Campus. This does not guarantee that all applicants meeting this criteria will be successful.

This does not preclude applicants from under 60km applying but as with all unsuccessful applications we strongly advise to secure off Campus accommodation at the earliest point possible

Which Village is for you?

With over 2,800 rooms across seven residential villages at University of Limerick, there is something to suit everyone. Each village has a distinctive character with a wide range of facilities suitable for first year students. Our seven villages vary in price too; this means that there is accommodation on campus to suit all budgets. 

Incoming first years are accommodated across all villages so preferences should be based on price and location.

What to expect when living in residences

When you live in any one of our residential villages, you can expect:

Professional management service whose primary focus is to deliver the best student living experience

Support during your journey at UL

Excellent facilities across seven residential villages

Rental fees with no additional surprises. All bills are included in your rent

Campus Life Programme run each term which includes sporting, cultural and social events

Free membership to UL Sports Arena


Can I apply for a room in a particular village?

When applying you can select villages in order of preference. Due to the high level of applications we cannot guarantee that you will get your 1st preference but we endeavour to allocate students based on preferences. This process is subject to change.


Irish speaking students

Should you wish to live in a house with other native Irish speakers there is a section to request this on your application online at We do not have accommodation set aside for Irish speaking students, it will be based on a preference to share with other Irish speaking students. We will do our best to allocate native Irish speakers together if they so request.

Who will I live with?

At Campus Life Services, we have an allocation policy which we believe encourages vibrant communities. Our residents can expect to live with students in the same year. You will find that students may be completing different courses to you which creates diversity. Our houses are usually mixed gender with equal balance where possible.


When will I need to pay rent?

Due to the short period between CAO offers and check in, incoming first year students pay the first rental fee instalment once they have been offered and accepted a room on campus, which occurs during CAO week.

You can view rental fees information about rates and payment dates here. This will be updated for each year when applications open.


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Safety and Security in Residence

Campus Security Service

At Campus Life Services, the welfare and safety of students living on campus is of utmost priority. With our Village Management living on site and a professional security team on patrol, you can be reassured to know that there is always someone on hand around the clock. Read More